If you’re reading this page right now, this means you weren’t scared away by my use of the f-word. You didn’t quickly exit out of my website because I call myself a feminist. And for that I thank you.
Sadly, many people misunderstand feminism as something that’s about hating men, marriage, motherhood, and makeup. The dictionary definition of feminism is simple: “belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes.”
For me, feminism is also about sisterhood. I feel this inexplicable kinship to nearly every woman and girl I meet and this connection drives me to seek to empower women. As a writer, I believe I can do this best through words. I strive to inspire women with the stories I tell and empower them to share stories of their own.
One of the ways I seek to empower women with words is through See Jane Write, an organization for Birmingham-area female writers, bloggers and journalists I founded in 2011. Through this organization I host networking events, panel discussions and workshops. In July 2013 I launched See Jane Write Magazine, an online publication meant to be a resource for women writers nationwide.
You can learn more about my life as a “southern fried feminist” at my blog The Writeous Babe Project.