How often should you blog?

how often should you blog

My plan for July was to publish a new blog post every day in hopes of falling in love with blogging again by the end of the month. But I was head over heels with my blog by day 5. Then I attended the Melanie Duncan workshop in New York (more on that to come) and Devin Duncan reminded me that in blogging less is more.

I do believe there are benefits to challenging yourself to blog daily for a month, which is why the ladies of See Jane Write and I #BlogLikeCrazy every November. Blogging daily can not only help you fall for blogging again but also can also teach you how to make time for blogging.

But there can be a downside, too.  I often warn my clients against blogging too much as it can cause burnout, and Devin Duncan reminded me of another reason not to blog daily — people won’t have time to read all your stuff!

Blogging gurus like Derek Halpern follow the 80/20 rule. He believes you should only spend 20 percent of your time creating content and 80 percent marketing it. Therefore, following that rule you should post new content just once a week and spend the rest of the time promoting that post.

I’m not sure if I’ll be able to follow that rule. Now that blogging and I are in love again I have so much to say! But I’ve decided I won’t be posting daily this month.

Many lifestyle blogs update three times a week.

How often will I post? I would actually love for you to help me decide.

How often does your favorite blog post new content? Do you actually read most of the posts? Let me know in the comments. 

2 Comments on How often should you blog?

  1. Jennifer
    July 13, 2015 at 11:28 am (10 years ago)

    I aim for three posts per week. I don’t always do it, but that’s my goal! Sometimes when there’s an event coming up, like the #stellarmiles Makeshift 5k on Saturday, I will blog more with simple posts like details about the event. I like to see fresh content on the blogs I read more than just once a week, and while I agree that you have to spend more time marketing than producing content, I think it would get old to have a blogger marketing one post for six days and only writing one new post a week.

    • javaciawp
      July 15, 2015 at 7:55 am (10 years ago)

      Excellent point! I think I’m going to experiment with a few different schedules and see what has the best response. Thanks so much for the feedback!


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